Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Nate Bowler Says...

I just want to thank the NOML, and God, for this opportunity. This Championship is a dream come true for me and my family. I hope to go out there and work hard and grow the best moustache I can. I wish good luck to my opponent and may the best man win. I swear I am going to make mincemeat out of him.


hlm said...

this whole thing creeps me out, but intrigues me as well. do you always shave without a shirt on Nate?

Unknown said...

kridMy husband, after 28 years, decided to shave his moustache off. It's nice to see that one of the few male members of our totally matriachal family is going to have his MACHO MOSTACHO....I'm rooting for you from this side of the continent.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with with your hair excursion boys, but I don't think you have enough hair between the two of you to grow a beard!!!!

Jeff Bowler

Jeff Bowler

Nate Bowler

Nate Bowler

NOML Championship Kickoff 2006

NOML Championship Kickoff 2006
Contestants shake in agreement of official rules

New Razors. See official contest rules

New Razors.  See official contest rules
He isn't this much bigger than me. Optical Illusion!

Simultaneous Shave

Simultaneous Shave

Clean Shaven

Clean Shaven
Let the Championship begin!